Lomi Lomi Massage

Embark on a Journey of profound relaxation.

This exquisite therapeutic experience is a dance of soothing and rhythmic movements, designed to harmonise the body, mind, and spirit. Imagine gentle waves of touch, reminiscent of the ocean's embrace, sweeping across your body, releasing tension and promoting a deep sense of serenity. You are invited to surrender to the healing power of this unique massage, where each stroke is a gesture of care, and every moment is an opportunity for renewal. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this ancient practice, and emerge refreshed, balanced, and connected to the natural flow of your own well-being.


Lomi Lomi has the same benefits as other types of massages in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation, releasing blocked energy, cleansing & detoxifying but it also uses the Hawaiian tradition of loving intention to also release mental, emotional & spiritual blockages:

  • moving from tension to relaxation to transformation

  • can rebuild confidence in the goodness of life

  • leaves you feeling more centred & empowered

  • improved mood

  • increased flexibility/joint movement

  • sleep improvements

  • pain relief

  • Embark on a journey of profound relaxation and rejuvenation with this Lomi Lomi Massage treatment. This exquisite therapeutic experience is a dance of soothing and rhythmic movements, designed to harmonise the body, mind, and spirit. Imagine gentle waves of touch, reminiscent of the ocean's embrace, sweeping across your body, releasing tension and promoting a deep sense of serenity. You are invited to surrender to the healing power of this unique massage, where each stroke is a gesture of care, and every moment is an opportunity for renewal. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this ancient practice, and emerge refreshed, balanced, and connected to the natural flow of your own well-being.

  • Ideally this massage should be received without clothing, however your modesty will be covered throughout the treatment. Please be aware that this is a full body massage using a lot of oil (usually coconut oil).

    • 60 min £80

    • Package (4x 60 min) £300

    • Package (6 x 60 min) £420

  • Colombo Centre Waterloo SE1 8DP